Friday, May 30, 2008

Quatchi! (The 2010 Winter Olympic Mascot)

So, this is amazing. Go look at THIS

A bit about the Sasquatch mascot "Quatchi"

Quatchi is a young sasquatch who comes from the mysterious forests of Canada. Quatchi is shy, but loves to explore new places and meet new friends. Although Quatchi loves all winter sports, he’s especially fond of hockey. He dreams of becoming a world-famous goalie.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So I just found out about this:

Poetry and music with free Thai buffet at the bar & all night happy hour prices on drinks.

Bai Pai Restaurant & Bar
2316 NE 65th St
Seattle, WA

Every Monday.

Also next Thursday is Cheap Wine and Poetry Night at the Hugo House. Ya'll should come.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Today I got my first rejection.

Well....that's not true, not true at all. Today I got my first rejection that was more than just "We're sorry, can't include this in this issue." It was more like (in my words) "This is trollop. We would never publish you."

Oh well. I should get used to it. I know it is good, I know that it worth a damn.

Yesterday I met with Harris, we discussed (among other things) a piece I am working on. It was decided that it should be called I am secretly a middle-aged man. In reference to this book:
Because, really, I just want to be Steven Jesse Bernstein. I am working on recording above said poem and some other things with some friends, putting out an EP of poetry. Should be fun. If you want a copy, give me a hollar.