Thursday, March 05, 2009

(check this guy out) (totally stolen from Juniper) ( I am so in love)

Post Fraud
A poem by Charles A. Rogers

I made a list of
My enemies
And it is you

I may have your blood vessels
In my hands and between my teeth
(and that most likely will not change
whether or not I return to exist
in this moment on into infinity)
I have no expectations of rewriting that list

In fact,
You can have my pencils
I've made my point


Wait a Minute
A poem by Charles A. Rogers

So, Spider-man lost
His job as a super hero
And Peter Parker lost
His job as a photographer
So Peter took his outfit
And got work as a male stripper
So now he drinks a lot
And MJ moved in w/ her mom
Because he hit her
When he was drunk

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